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Investment Council discusses today “On Improvement of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms between Business and Public Administration.”

Investment Council, chaired by the Minister of Economic Development, Tourism, Trade and Entrepreneurship, Ms. Milva Ekonomi, convenes today to discuss on the effectiveness of the means available to the business for dispute resolution within public administration.

Disputes between public administration institutions and businesses bear considerable costs for both parties and, at the same time, cause uncertainties and lack of trust for the economic development of domestic and foreign businesses. During meetings held with the businesses, it has been emphasized that: “budgetary institutions and their relevant staff often ignore or do not know the laws and rules pertaining to their operations and take decisions that are arbitrary and incompliant with effective laws.”

Based on the analysis prepared by the Secretariat’s experts, in close consultation with other experts in the area as well as with many business associations, the Investment Council raises today some requests and recommendations to the Albanian Government, with the objective: To facilitate business access to exercise its right for administrative appeal; to improve the effectiveness of the administrative appeal structures; raise the transparency in the decision-making process during an administrative appeal review.

Summary Report on the Improvement of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms between Business and Public Administration.

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