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‘Access to Finance’, one of the Main Problematic Issues to the Business, IV Financial Forum

On 23 June 2016 was held the IV Financial Forum organised by the Bank of Albania and International Monetary Fund, under the special care of the Governor of Bank of Albania, Mr. Gent Sejko. This year, the discussion was focused on the revitalization of crediting, to support the sustainable economic growth.

The forum was attended by high officials of various institutions such as the Bank of Albania, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, the Financial Supervisory Authority, major banks operating in Albania, the IMF and the World Bank, the European Central Bank (ECB), the European Banking Authority (EBA), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), International Financial Corporate (IFC), etc. In this Forum, the Secretariat of Investment Council was represented by Ms. Diana Leka.

In her speech, Ms. Diana Leka stated that based on the surveys and analyses conducted by the Secretariat, one of the main problematic issues to the business remains access to finance. More specifically, in the survey organized by the IC Secretariat (October – November 2015) in the framework of Informality in Economy, with the participation of around 100 companies, ‘Access to Finance’ came out as the main problematic issue, followed by the fiscal package and number of taxes. In conclusion, Ms. Leka raised some questions for discussion in regards to the reasons why there is a non-satisfactory level of crediting in Albania.

This forum served as a platform to exchange views and to present attitudes in relation to the main problems of the banking and financial sector in the country.

PPT Presentation of Ms. Diana Leka