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Investment Council to Discuss in May “On the Facilitation of Customs Procedures”

According to Albania Progress Report 2016, Albania has shown progress during recent years regarding the administrative and operative capacity of its customs administration. The use of audit and inspections on the basis of risk assessment in the tax and customs services increased but needs to be further stepped up. Efforts are ongoing to address corruption in the tax and customs administration, which remained a concern. As regards administrative and operational capacity, electronic local customs clearance has been completed, but the customs’ IT systems are not yet fully interconnected with other government systems.

During consultations with the business during 2015-2016, the Secretariat has collected a range of concerns on customs, mainly related to controls, online access to the documentation, reference and transaction prices, classification of customs codes, AEOs, communication with the customs administration etc.

The Secretariat welcomes any comments and suggestions on the subject on this link or to our e-mail address [email protected] by 30 April 2017.